FREE Private Surfing 


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Anonymous Surfing
Total Net Shield
Total Privacy Suite
Safe Surfing Suite
Safe Surfing Professional
Digital Shredder

Sorry! Anonymizer's Free Private Surfing limits access to the Web site you selected.
To gain protected access to ALL Web sites on the Internet, download our FREE 7 day trial.
  • Much faster than our free service.
  • Keeps your IP address (and your identity) hidden.
  • Warns you before visiting phishing, pharming, & spyware sites.
  • Secures the data you send over a wireless network.
  • Starts automatically when you turn on your PC.
  • Uses SSL Encryption to create an encrypted virtual tunnel.

  • Click image to enlarge.

    © 2005 Anonymizer, Inc. All rights reserved. Anonymous Surfing, Total Net Shield, Total Privacy, Digital Shredder, Anti-Spyware, Enterprise Chameleon, Client Chameleon, Intelligence Chameleon, Field Chameleon, and Geographic Distribution are trademarks or registered trademarks of Anonymizer, Inc. All other products are property of their respective owners.